Hot Springs Holiday Hike

Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024


Saturday, December 14. Meet in SLC to carpool to Fifth Water Hot Springs

Join us for a rejuvenating adventure with Hot Springs Holiday Hike! We’ll gather together for a memorable day amidst the winter wonderland of Utah. Our journey begins with a scenic drive to Fifth Water Hot Springs, nestled in the Diamond Fork Canyon.

As we hike through the serene winter landscape, surrounded by snow-dusted trees and crisp mountain air, anticipation builds for the soothing hot springs ahead. Upon arrival, we’ll immerse ourselves in the natural thermal pools, enjoying the warmth and relaxation amidst the cold December weather.

Overall Trip Difficulty
4.5 Miles
Elevation Gain:
600 ft

After indulging in the therapeutic waters and perhaps sharing some laughs and stories, we’ll hike back, taking in the tranquil beauty of our surroundings once more. It’s the perfect way to unwind, connect with nature, and create lasting memories with friends on this Hot Springs Holiday Hike.

Join us for a day filled with adventure, relaxation, and the natural beauty of Utah’s winter landscape at Fifth Water Hot Springs!

Cost is $30 to cover picnic & snack supplies, rideshare to trailhead, and GOAT swag. 

What to Expect

Drive Time
It’s about 1-hour drive from the carpool lot to Fifth Water Hot Springs
Level of Luxury
Level of Activity
4.5 miles, 600 ft of gain
$20 per person covers entrance to the state park, rideshare, and GOAT swag

Key Highlights

Hot Springs

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